Tuesday 6 November 2012

Mesopotamian Myth: The Creation Ideas

Art Ideas for this myth mentioned before in my blog updates:

  • Gods working in the field, tired from the amount of work they need to do to feed themselves. I could create a piece of work that is strange to the eye. Having the gods working in a field doing heavy work while wearing god and fantasy clothing.
  • Gods creating humans out of clay and slowly but surely building them up. As in the tale, humans were made from by the Wise god, Enki. After this the gods could look pleased and happy that they now have people working underneath them and for them.
More going towards the second one even the first one seems like it'd be a nice piece to polish. The reason for the second is because it tells the story of creation a lot better then the top one. While the top one only demonstrates the beginning, while the clay building portrays more of the Creation of humans.

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