Tuesday 6 November 2012

Mesopotamian Myth: The Creation

The Mesopotamian myth of creation starts with narrating that there were only gods and goddesses on earth. And these gods and goddesses were alone on the earth with no humans. They worked and labored all day long in the fields growing crops. This made them do a very difficult and hard task.

They were not working in a disorder but each god and goddess had a job to do. The gods dug the fields and planted the crops and goddesses would bring water to the fields in ditches which had to be kept free of weeds. This was a difficult job due to sweltering heat of the day.

This hard work in the day under the sun made them very unhappy. So one day, they got together to discuss, how to lighten their burden or workload.

Among these gods and goddesses lived Enki, who was wise and clever. Enki was fast asleep in his underwater house. So all of them went to get advice from Enki. Now Enki, using his wisdom, suggested that he will create creatures to serve them by working the land. Then the gods' and goddesses' lives would be easier.

This idea of Enki clicked to both gods and goddess and praised him of that brilliant idea. Enki collected clay from around his watery home and used it to make humans.

After making human figures from the clay, he breathed life into the clay figures, but he did not make them everlasting. When the other gods and goddesses asked why is he making them mortal. He suggested to the other gods and goddesses that only the gods and goddesses would live forever.

After Enki had created the humans, they were put to work in the fields. As servants of the gods and goddesses they had to provide them with food and drink for their tables. The humans took water from the rivers and fed the dry and lifeless lands. They dug the soil and planted crops and with hard work the humans brought life to the land. Seeing the service and harwork of the humans, the gods and goddesses, who had brought life to the humans, were happy and content.

Ref: Daniel, W. (2008, March 07). A Mesopotamian Myth: The Creation. Retrieved from Christian Talk: http://christian-talk.forumotion.com/t1416-a-mesopotamian-myth-the-creation

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