Thursday 1 November 2012

Borderlands 2 Mechanic Ideas 3

Temporary Elemental Ammo

In the game, there is 5 elements which affect how your weapons deal damage to enemies. They all deal different types of damage to enemies and affect certain enemies more than others.
These are:
  • Fire - Burns health of quicker. So if enemy has no shields, his/her health well reduce a lot of faster
  • Corrosive - Burns away shields faster. Doesnt have much damage on health but heavily shielded enemies will go down quicker with corrosive based weapons.
  • Shock - Has a chance to shock the enemy. Basically freezing them to the spot not being able to deal damage to you
  • Explosive - Has an explosive effect when reaching the enemy and if hit a lot, can make them stumble. 
  • Slag - Slows the enemy's pace down 
Each helping and hindering the player in the game. As you yourself can get effected by these status elements, you must be careful as they can hinder your progress in the game if harder enemies can damage you with these and give you the status elements

My idea is to use these factors and create an ammo attachment which players can add into their ammo load and fire ammo with this elemental factor on. It'll be an item players can find and buy in the world and put in their back-pack. At any point in time, players can put this ammo into the gun and use this instead of the original ammo that's in the gun. Even if the gun already has an elemental effect on, this would take over for the amount bullets that can be shot and as soon as its finished, the items will drop from the gun and cant be picked back up again.

This'll help players who are stuck are certain parts and with the help of an element, they can kill them faster. If they don't have a gun with it, they can attach this ammo load and use this for the period of time it can be used.

They have a chance of spawning randomly and have different sizes and types. The cost of them from the vending machines is also dependent on the size and there type.

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